About Me
I'm Hannah May.
And I know what it takes to heal.
My experience tells me that healing is a journey that involves addressing the sum of many parts of a person's being. My clinical, educational, and personal experience have proven time and time again just how true this is.
At 14 years old, somehow, I already knew this truth and purpose within myself. I knew I was here on Earth to help others on the path of comprehensive and holistic health care. I knew I needed to support root-cause resolution for health issues by looking at the whole-being of my clients. I knew deep in my soul that I wanted to "help people heal their lives and touch their hearts."
As an extremely active and health-centered individual, health and wellness has always been deeply engrained into my way of being. I grew up on an organic farm, blessed with parents who invested their entire being into nourishing their five children with health-giving, soul-reviving, whole, REAL, organic foods that we raised and nurtured ourselves. I've always appreciated the healing properties of food, herbs, Mother Earth, and nature because of this early education.
I began my business at 20 years old, knowing I wouldn't fit into any "box" an employer would put me in. I owned and operated a mind, body, and spirit-based fitness and wellness facility for the next decade while running a bodywork office where I offered colonics, Nutrition Response Muscle Testing, consultations, and more. I helped countless people succeed with their customized health, holistic nutrition and fitness plans. However, something was still missing.
Despite the incredible work I was doing, I was not aligned with my truth or my full potential of supporting others in root cause resolution… and I felt it.
In 2014, everything changed.
I went to Nepal for my second trip to complete the Everest Basecamp trek and was deeply lacerated by a piece of glass in the Nepal airport the day we were to begin the trek. This accident changed my life forever, ultimately, in all the right ways. (You can read the whole story here).
After emergency surgery with no anesthesia, the equivalent of ibuprofen for pain meds, a major infection with rounds of intense antibiotics, and a 24-hr plane trip where I had to inject my own anti-coagulant to prevent a blood clot—I was sent back to the USA and told I may never walk again.
This is where my life, and my career, really began. This is how I learned to truly heal.
I was bedridden for months and entirely dependent on others. I was very unwell, but deeply focused on the process of healing. Early on in healing, I didn't recognize just how unwell I was, the toll the accident would have on me, and the journey ahead to unravel all the pieces. It took me two months to be able to move just a single toe again. After that, I had to re-learn how to walk. In hindsight, that was the easiest part of my healing journey.
Each day for the next five years was an uphill battle.
As I tried to heal, my life and health slowly fell apart. Piece by piece, my health, home, partner of 13 years, dog, friends, family, identity, business, and so much more were all stripped from me in a relatively short period. It was as if I was watching the life I worked so hard in creating, dying slowly in front of me.
In many ways, it all felt completely out of my control—as if a force outside of myself was leading the path of destruction, despite that I was focused on reconstruction. And the areas I knew I needed to change deep within had a mind of their own and were very resistant to the process of rebirth.
I was physically on my feet again within that first half-year, and I looked well to others, but behind the scenes, my health was suffering significantly.
Each year, I seemed to get worse. I had chronic inflammation, extreme fatigue, chronic muscular and joint pain, significant digestive distress, swollen lymph nodes, intense rollercoasters in my emotional health, hormonal dysfunction, heart and lung distress, and so much more. I had what I now call “mystery illness”.
I couldn't sleep well, I couldn't focus, I couldn't see past my own emotions, and I couldn't find my way out. Despite my healthy habits and determination to reverse the health conditions the accident and life changes created, I was suffering.
I sought every specialist, every blood lab, every doctor I could, every holistic practitioner for years, and more as I tried to figure out why I was so unwell.
Years after the accident, still in the thick of it, I was told by an infectious disease doctor that "Perhaps it was time to begin focusing on something other than your health. There is nothing wrong with you". After the complete shock, asking him to repeat what he meant, I understood that he thought "it was all in my head," that my labs showed nothing, again. However, I knew deep down that infection was driving it all.
I left angry. And with a new fire inside.
I was in an awakening. There was no more hiding from who I was, what I was meant to be doing, and the path to get there.
I took myself entirely on as a client.
I stopped looking outside of myself and used the wisdom within, which for years I had applied lovingly to other's health. I was relentless in my pursuit to heal; I knew it was MY RESPONSIBILITY to heal. I knew that no one could do it for me. I knew I needed to dig deeper into research, my tools, myself, and my education. And I did. I knew I needed to align with the right practitioner, who could dig into what I knew to be true about root causes, to support me like I supported others. I made myself a priority. I also knew I had to get honest, get raw, and surrender.
I stepped into my power as a healer in a way I had never done before.
Between Nutrition Response Muscle Testing, energy work, mindfulness, meditation, cold laser therapy, herbs, whole food and carbon technology supplements, chiropractic, healing my stubborn inner shadows, understanding and owning my intuitive gifts, and more, I restored my body. I restored my life.
Although all of these pieces were critical to my success, healing my infections completely changed my life. I needed less of each healing technique, once I truly got a hold of the infectious terrain within (which was the root driving the need for all the other modalities). Using whole food supplements and the “Roadmap to Health” products from CellCore, I cleared my body of an incredible amount of infectious organisms and related toxicities that were causing mystery dis-ease in me. I received quite an education in toxins and infections during this process, specifically parasites (now a passion of mine, as it is a major root problem in our population). Within the process, I naturally cleared my body of both new and old deep immune stressors that unknowingly were keeping me weak and I gave my body the tools it needed to rebuild and restore using the “Roadmap”. My life came back, with it.
I now know the "accident" was the beginning of a journey of "unbecoming" everything I wasn't to become who I truly am. The falling apart was more of a "falling into."
Piece by piece, I was gifted an opportunity to become.
Between my own experience and working with others, I have learned what it really feels like to be in the "ick" of the non-linear path of deep healing. I learned that each step is important and will likely unfold in ways that you don't expect, and that's okay. I learned that reliance on only physical/body-based health practices would leave most people stuck and confused. However, when it comes to physical healing, I learned that if you don't address the root causes of symptoms and restore the body with natural solutions, knowing that you are INNATELY WELL and purely need to remove the limitations that keep you from that truth, you aren't going to get where you intend to be.
"Bandaids" don't work for most conditions – even if they are easier or more comfortable.
I also learned how deeply rewarding it is to heal and come so far. I learned patience, trust, and compassion in depths I never knew possible.
In this journey to pursue my own health and life restoration, I fine-tuned my skills as a practitioner and now apply the same skills to my clients. Perhaps most powerful, were two things. First, I dug even deeper into true root cause resolution healthcare and up-leveled my client successes even more, by doing so. Secondly, I recognized and connected to my incredible gifts and universe-given role as an intuitive and energy healer.
I was great at what I did before all of this, but now, I am exceptional.
I trust myself, my skills, my resources, and my abilities deeply. I have been able to apply the principles in a whole new way with my clients. I see, hear, know, and serve my clients in ways they have never been supported.
I know what it takes to heal because I had to do it myself.
And today, I stand here not only walking but running. I stand here so connected to my intuitive gifts that I apply them with reverence and certainty to my clients' plans. I stand here as a loving anchor to my clients as they unravel the pieces of their own life that stand in the way of their health. I stand here able to support clients at all different levels, with various symptoms and needs, because of this journey. I stand here inspired to help others embrace the programs I have created, in the spirit of taking responsibility of their own life, by providing efficient and result-driven roadmaps for their success. After all, health truly is our greatest wealth. When we lose our health, we lose our most precious commodity – time and quality of life.
We are so much more than a body—and true health won't shine for many of us until we embrace that fully.
I learned how important getting honest about your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, habits, patterns, and energy is and exactly what it takes to be "SoulFit"; to function as a whole, well-being. I truly embodied what transformation feels like for mind, body, and spirit. And I want the same for you, but with much greater ease, support, and efficiency.
I'm here now to help others change their lifestyle both in their external and internal world, to reflect a life of deeper wholeness.
I lovingly help my clients identify and shift their shadows, old ways of being, and limitations each day. We look at the root causes of disease through the different perspectives of mind, body and spirit, and we address them.
The clients I can help want to help themselves.
The clients I can help are ready to tackle the beautiful journey of mind, body, and spirit restoration.
They understand it will be magical and potentially messy, all in one. They understand health is a marathon, not a sprint. They are sick of being in their own way and ready to take the leap, no matter how big or small the leap is. They are ready to heal. They know they are their own greatest healer and are ready to commit to that responsibility while having gratitude for my supportive and resourceful hand. They are my soulmate clients. And I am so grateful for them.
Are you ready to change your life?
Explore your options…
Nutrition & Wellness Programs
Making life changes and trying new things can feel overwhelming and exciting all in one. Our nutrition and wellness programs will “meet you where you are,” using different natural health care approaches and modalities to attain your specific wellness goals.
Intuitive Based Energy Work
A unique combination of Reiki, and other energy healing modalities grounded in intuitively received messages specific to the client’s healing. This work leads you to a powerful, supportive, and natural healing process specific to your body, spirit, and needs.
SoulFit Transformation Program
Connecting you to the true nature of holistic care; focusing on all of the factors that support health and releasing anything that robs you of it to meaningfully restore you as a whole-person in ONE amazing, comprehensive mind, body, spirit wellness plan.